Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have a great importance in addressing issues of economic development especially in developing economies where they account for high levels of employment and gross domestic product (GDP). However, these enterprises are characterized by challenges in accessing conventional sources of financing especially for those looking to fund sustainable initiatives. This is where green finance comes in where it provides MSMEs with financing which helps to enhance sustainable practices and at the same time achieve wider environmental and social objectives.
Contributions of MSMEs to our Economies
Furthermore, MSMEs are essential to economic development, employment and poverty reduction in the developing economies. Almost 90% of the active business establishments are MSMEs and employ greater than 50% of the global employment. In Asia, these percentages are even larger, with more than 60% of GDP in Indonesia coming from MSMEs, and these same SMEs employ around 97% of the population. In India, for example, this same MSME sector contributes about one-third of GDP and provides approximately 110 million jobs.
Despite their importance, MSMEs face significant barriers to accessing finance, such as high-risk perceptions and lack of collateral. These challenges are magnified when MSMEs seek financing for green initiatives, which are often seen as high-risk and requiring long-term investments. This lack of accessible, affordable financing hampers their ability to invest in sustainable practices.
Understanding Green Finance
Green finance refers to financial products and services that support environmentally sustainable projects, including investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable agriculture. It aligns with broader Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, encompassing not just environmental benefits but also social and governance factors.
The global push towards a low-carbon economy, driven by agreements like the Paris Agreement and rising investor demand for sustainable investments, has fueled the growth of green finance. Asia, in particular, has seen rapid expansion, with countries like China and India leading the way in green bond issuance.
Even with their importance, MSMEs often deal with barriers when it comes to access to finance like perception of high risks and no collateral. Such barriers are worse when MSMEs are looking for funding for green projects which are considered to be very risky and take time to actualize. This particular failure of institutional investor’s majority of a reasonable amount of funding for access aiding the green economy is very bad.
Green finance captures financial instruments and services which are aimed at supporting environmentally friendly ventures like renewable energy investments, energy re-engineering or green agriculture practices. It fits into the wider Environmental, social and governance (ESG) obligations with nononly extent of environmental operation but also envelopment of social and governance aspects.
The transition to a low-carbon economy, facilitated by the Paris Climate Agreement complemented with increasing investor desire for sustainable investment, has propelled the green finance sector. Particular attention for those developments has been paid to the region of Asia with China and India being the most vigorous’ green bond market issuers.
For MSMEs, green finance provides a way of growing the business in terms of going for investment in energy-efficient equipment and energy-efficient materials contributing positively to help business access competitive markets. This not only increases their viability in the world markets but it also has the potential benefits of creating new markets and improves resilience against climate-related risks.
The Intersection of Green Finance and MSMEs
Green finance provides MSMEs in developing countries with the financial means to integrate sustainable practices into their operations. For instance, in Bangladesh, green finance has enabled some MSMEs to adopt climate-smart agricultural practices, improving productivity and reducing vulnerability to weather extremes.
Adopting sustainable practices can also open up new market opportunities and attract environmentally conscious consumers. Furthermore, green finance can help MSMEs align with the global shift towards sustainability, positioning them at the forefront of this transformation.
The Convergences of Green Finance and MSMEs
In developing economies MSMEs are given by green finance, the opportunity to enhance their business operations in a sustainable manner. In Bangladesh for example, some MSMEs have been able to practice climate smart agriculture because of green financing supporting their business practices.
Implementing such practices can help boost prospects for further enhancing and expanding the existing market as the green consumers would buy their products. Besides, it would enable the MSMEs to respond to the emerging global trend on sustainable financing and transformations, becoming active players therein.
Constraints and Prospects
1. Awareness and Capacity Building:
The low uptake of green finance especially among the MSMEs has been attributed to the lack of understanding of the potential benefits that come along with it. A good number of MSMEs are still unaware of the cost, efficiency and market advantages that the sustainability approaches bring about. This calls for education and capacity building initiatives to redress this issue. Strategies reassuring the sustainable advances on the business and sociocultural perspectives leverage said financial instruments to be integrated as part of the company’s operations.
2. Accessibility of Green Finance:
While access to finance is a constant challenge to MSMEs, it is even more pronounced with respect to green projects. Such projects are usually viewed as being risky by conventional finance institutions. In response to that, green bonds, sustainability-linked loans, and impact investing among other financial products can be designed to suit the MSMEs. Initiatives like Public Private Partnerships and blended finance can also assist in mitigating risks to investments thus enhancing accessibility of green finance.
In Asia, nations, eg. India are using blended finance models for the sustainability of gokulaom small and tiny enterprise institutions. The Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) rolled out green finance schemes for MSMEs including blue moon Partial Risk Sharing Facility for Energy Efficiency (PRSF) which seeks to mitigate the risks associated with the investment in energy mitigating technology by the MSMEs.
3. Tailoring Financial Products:
There should be a reworking of the green financial products for the certain featured MSMEs that will avail small size loans, gae time revolution and Technical assiatance. Green finance that cuts across industries with a large presence of MSME’s such as agriculture, manufacturing and hospitality, will help enhance the uptake of green finance by such enterprises.
For example, in Vietnam, the government has partnered with international organizations to develop green finance products tailored to MSMEs in the agriculture sector, offering low-interest loans for climate-smart practices and grants for sustainable technologies.
4. Leveraging Technology and Innovation:
The prospects on green finance for MSMEs therefore admit a key role of technology. The use of digital lending platforms for example is an innovative way that acting as a fintech solution that can reduce the levels of complication in application, bring down the cost and also enhancing the issue of transparency. These technologies should therefore be a priority of governments and financial institutions in order to achieve the goals of green finance.
For instance, in Asia Grab Financial Group and Gojek’s GoPay are looking at how to incorporate green finance into their systems to avail the green loans and other sustainability-linked financial instruments to the MSMEs.
5. Policy Support and Regulatory Frameworks: Policy Support and Regulatory Frameworks:
The structural factors therefore call for supportive policy and legal measures in order to support the green finance for the MSMEs. Governments should encourage the provision of green finance products through exemptions of taxes, subsidies or promises by the financial institutions. As such, well-defined rules regarding ESG reporting and green certification enhance green finance credibility and prompt MSMEs to embrace sustenance.
In Asia, countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines have their national green finance strategies which encompass MSMEs’ needs. The key government agency responsible for the development of green finance in Indonesia is the Indonesian Financial Services Authority, better known as OJK, which has released the Sustainable Finance Roadmap providing incentives and measures of regulation for the MSMEs.
Green finance can fosters sustainable MSME growth in the Developing nations’ a Highly confirm. Considering the difficulties encountered by MSMEs effectively, green finance has the potential to foster sustainable development, increase the enterprises’ competitiveness and support global sustainable development objectives among them. In achieving these potentials, commitments from governments, financial institutions and MSMEs are needed and should be done comprehensively. Altogether, they shall lead the world to embrace the changes which green finance offers as a means of enhancing the development of the third-world countries.
World Bank. "Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Finance." [World Bank](https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/smefinance )
World Economic Forum. "How Global Value Chains Can Help Indonesia's SMEs." [World Economic Forum](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2024/02/global-value-chains-indonesia-smes/)
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of India. "Annual Report 2022-23." [MSME Ministry](https://msme.gov.in/sites/default/files/MSME-AR-2022-23-Eng.pdf)
Climate Bonds Initiative. "Green Bond Market Summary Q1 2023." [Climate Bonds Initiative](https://www.climatebonds.net/resources/reports/green-bond-market-summary-q1-2023)
OECD. "Green Finance and Investment: Green Bonds Mobilising Private Investment in Sustainable Infrastructure." [OECD iLibrary](https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/finance-and-investment/green-finance-and-investment-green-bonds-mobilising-private-investment-in-sustainable-infrastructure_aa46e0c9-en) (2023).
ASEAN Green Finance Hub. "Capacity Building and Technical Assistance." [ASEAN Green Finance Hub](https://aseangreenfinancehub.org/)
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). "Partial Risk Sharing Facility for Energy Efficiency (PRSF)." [SIDBI](https://www.sidbi.in/en) (Accessed September 2024).
Vietnam Green Growth Strategy. "Implementation of Green Finance for MSMEs in the Agricultural Sector." (https://www.greengrowthknowledge.org/country/vietnam)
Grab Financial Group and Gojek GoPay. "Digital Financial Services and Green Finance." [Grab Financial Group](https://www.grab.com/sg/finance/) & [Gojek GoPay](https://www.gojek.com/en-id/gopay/)
Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK). "Sustainable Finance Roadmap Phase II (2021-2025)." [OJK](https://www.ojk.go.id/)
Posted 08 Oct 2024