Channelling a love of agriculture towards tackling food insecurity and land degradation.
Globally, the organic trend is on the rise. In September 2018, Monpellets LLC launched its organic sheep wool fertiliser plant, aiming for nutrient-rich harvests and a thriving organic fertiliser market with the motto of “healthy soil, healthy food, rich harvest.” Mongolia heavily relies on imports for 97% of its green products (as of 2021), posing significant risks to food safety and raising concerns about product origin. Mongolia has one of the highest cancer rates in the world, a problem believed to be closely linked to inadequate food safety measures. In response to this crisis, the president of Mongolia, Ukhnaa Khurelsukh, unveiled the "Food Supply and Security" national movement on May 13, 2022, at the State Khural Assembly. This marked the inception of a transformative food revolution in our nation, leading us towards a healthier and happier society. We take immense pride in producing organic fertiliser from Mongolian sheep wool, which is then used in green products and houses to cultivate a bountiful harvest of wholesome, organic food. This initiative holds great promise for a more sustainable and food-secure future.
Harnessing learnings from New Zealand farmers
Yet, progress is often accompanied by hurdles. In 2022, we only collected 150 tonnes of unwashed wool despite having the capacity for 2,500 tonnes. The primary factors contributing to this shortfall were the inadequate supply chain for sheep wool, a shortage of skilled shearers, and an exceptionally low daily shearing performance rate. Using hand scissors, Mongolian shearers could only manage 30 sheep per day, whereas the world record stands at an impressive 754 sheep in 8 hours.
Mongolia has 31 million sheep, presenting an annual potential of 45,000 tonnes of wool. However, due to a scarcity of skilled shearers, extensive land leading to heightened logistic costs, and less efficient manual shearing methods, only 26,000 tonnes are currently processed. This situation calls for change, and we took the initiative to do just that. We partnered with Share Mongolia, an NGO (non-governmental organisation) of New Zealand and Australian farmers. In the summer of 2022, we initiated an electric shearing training programme in collaboration with New Zealand farmers. This resulted in a win-win-win outcome where herders adeptly tackled shearing challenges while prioritising the welfare of their sheep. Shearers not only enjoyed significant earnings but also acquired invaluable international shearing skills. At the same time, wool facilities like mine received wool promptly, guaranteeing a consistent supply at competitive rates. Furthermore, we are starting to use a better rate of our plant capacity to produce value-added premium quality organic fertiliser, which has increased in demand since 2022 in both local and global markets.
The Monpellets team in conversation with New Zealand farmers
Unlocking vital nutrients for premium organic fertiliser
The innovation in this venture knows no bounds. From 1000 tonnes of unwashed wool, we’ve yielded 920 kg of premium organic fertiliser, devoid of water or additives. This not only boosts herders’ shearing capacity from 30 to 200 sheep per day, significantly increasing their income, but also guarantees superior soil and plant health. Acting as a water reservoir, this wool-based fertiliser imparts vital nutrients, promoting soil aeration and facilitating deeper, denser root growth. This groundbreaking product is Mongolia’s latest non-mining export, with an annual potential of EUR6 million in sales. Beyond its monetary value, it fosters fertile soil, resilient food production, and elevated health and safety standards. This internationally certified product garners trust, benefiting a wide range of stakeholders, from herders, cooperatives, and factories to consumers.
Organic fertiliser made from sheep wool
Fertiliser stands as a critical component for several vital sectors, including environmentally friendly forest and tree planting, as well as anti-land desertification efforts. In agriculture, it supports the production of value-added, animal-based exports, aligning with light industry development. Mongolia is recognised for its lucrative mining endeavours, yet extensive land degradation demands effective biological rehabilitation, with fertiliser as a pivotal ingredient. The labour sector offers substantial opportunities for skilled shearers, contributing to sustainable employment. Naturally, this positively impacts the economy and finance sectors. Wool-based fertiliser holds the potential to become Mongolia’s flagship export, bolstering the nation’s revenue in dollars.
Strengthening supply chains to maximise impact
Our project has garnered significant recognition and exhibits the potential for nationwide expansion. We’ve established the following mid-term objectives:
- Establishing up to two additional wool fertiliser plants nationwide, with the capacity to process 9000 tonnes of waste wool into marketable products.
- Strengthening wool supply chains with shearer support and fostering internationally skilled, sustainable youth employment.
- Implementing electric shearing nationwide to enhance efficiency and introducing more innovative approaches to improve the lives of herders.
- Emphasising the cultivation and consumption of wholesome food while using our fertiliser to enrich soil health. This will pave the way for our entry into the greenhouse.
My aspiration is to share the joys of agriculture with every Mongolian child. I plan to establish a greenhouse for berries, specifically organic strawberries, fertilised with natural products derived from Mongolian sheep wool. In doing so, I aim to create an environment where my children, alongside their classmates, can pick and savour these delectable berries. I am, after all, a typical hardworking Mongolian mother.

Monpellets pioneers eco-friendly plant that offering organic fertiliser crafted from additive-free sheep wool, conserving water. This nutrient-dense blend promotes fertile soil and environmental sustainability. With a 2500tn production capacity, we export to the EU and US, backed by organic certification by FIBL Europe and OMRI US, proudly Mongolian. Beyond fertilisers, we target farming and greenhouse sectors, both locally and internationally. Collaborating with Mongolian shearers and herders, we plan second and third plants to harness abundant waste wool resources. We, Monpellets, aspire to be a premier global fertiliser supplier, renowned for quality and green business ethics.