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How gender equality affects economic growth

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The United Nations states gender equality as the state in which women and men enjoy equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities in all aspects of life. It emphasizes that gender equality is not just a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Gender equality means that the different behaviors, aspirations, and needs of women and men are equally valued and favored, without discrimination based on the attitudes, behaviorsnorms, and roles that a society or culture associated with an individual’s sex leading to social differences.This includes equal access to education, healthcare, work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes, as well as equal pay for work of equal value.


A key aspect of increasing  a country's economic growth is promoting gender equality. Ensuring both men and women in the country have equal opportunities and rights increases innovation and productivity. Additionally, it also improves the quality of work fostering a more dynamic and diverse workforce. When the country employs all its workforce efficiently it in turn leads to an increase in the productivity of the country. Having inclusivity also leads to a more dynamic and efficient economy, as diverse perspectives drive creativity and problem-solving. Gender equality in the workforce enables both men and women to contribute equally to economic activities, increasing overall productivity. More diverse and inclusive workplaces benefit from a wider range of skills, ideas, and innovation. This, in turn, can lead to higher wages, increased household incomes, and an overall boost to the economy. Women feel safe and encouraged to work leading to a high number of females joining the workforce and getting diverse and different perspectives on the table in a gender equal country. Iceland can be cited as a case study in this regard. Considered as one of the top ranking countries with gender equality, Iceland has passed laws to increase the number of women in leadership positions, and to combat gender-based violence and harassment. Its Parental Leave Act allows both parents to take paid maternity/paternity leave and unpaid parental leave. Its Gender Equality Act requires employers to provide flexible working arrangements to help employees balance work and family life enabling 70.1% of women to participate in the labor force in the year 2023 and contributing significantly to the country’s economic growth. 


Conversely, gender inequality restricts half of the population from fully participating in economic activities, resulting in a loss of potential talent and a narrower skill pool. This exclusivity and disparities are faced by women in all countries. Their limited access to education and employment opportunities hampers overall economic performance, as their underutilized potential translates into lower productivity and slower growth. A contrast to Iceland’s economic growth fuelled by gender equal laws is Afghanistan. Due to the infamous Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice which enforces the misogynist decrees of the regime, there is restriction of freedom of movement and restrictive dress codes, no protection for women and girls threatened by violence, girls and women are losing the right to an education, women only have a few opportunities to work and battle High rates of infant and maternal mortality. 


By fostering gender equality, a country maximizes its human capital, boosts economic output, and achieves sustainable growth. Multiple research that has been done over the past few years prove that gender equal countries tend to have a better economy compared to others. It is also proved that being a gender equal country and having equal rights for both men and women has led to an average increase of growth in domestic product (GDP) every year. Taking the examples of Iceland and Afghanistan, Iceland has an average GDP of $73,467 as per 2022. In contrast, Afghanistan, considered at the bottom of the pile with regressive and restrictive laws for women has a GDP of $356 as per 2021 data. We can see the effect of gender equality that both the countries have.

Socioeconomic prosperity and gender equality are closely interconnected, creating a "chicken or egg" situation because each seems to facilitate the other. On one hand, socioeconomic growth often enhances gender equality; as societies become more prosperous, they typically invest more in education, healthcare, and social services, which create greater opportunities for women and girls. Greater economic resources also often lead to more inclusive policies that empower women in the workforce and politics, which further improves gender equity.

On the other hand, gender equality itself can be a driver of socioeconomic prosperity. When women have equal access to education, employment, and leadership roles, they contribute significantly to economic productivity and innovation. Gender equality in education and work also reduces poverty rates, strengthens families, and supports healthier, better-educated future generations, all of which contribute to sustained economic growth.

The "chicken or egg" dilemma arises because it’s challenging to determine which comes first or is more essential: Does a society need prosperity to achieve gender equality, or does it need gender equality to foster economic prosperity? In reality, they operate in a mutually reinforcing cycle where gains in one area tend to catalyze progress in the other. A conscious dent in the cycle can be made by raising the standards of child and women healthcare through social policy and promoting education for women at the grassroot level.

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Posted 15 Nov 2024

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